Gareth was literally the first Instagrammer I ever met, so it’s only fitting that he is first in the . We both happened to be attending a media weekend being held but the City of Joburg and when I saw him from across the room I guess you could say I ‘fan girled’ him. Somehow in-between telling him how I thought he was the best thing since Snapseed I managed to get to know him…and the rest as they say his history.
Gareth has been called Mr. Instagram and the Jesus of Instagram, I’m not so sure about all of those what I do know is that he is one of the most wonderful, talented and awkward human beings I’ve had the honour of knowing.
1. What is your handle?
, search for garethpon on IG to find my other accounts
2. What do you do when you’re not Instagramming?
I shoot films and photos as an independent freelancer, I focus on doing documentaries and social media photography. I also eat a lot and sleep as much as I can.
3. How did you discover Instagram?
Facebook, I saw people posting photos to Facebook from Instagram and I got serious FOMO, so I got an iPhone because it was only available then on IOS and the rest is history
4. Who are some of your favourite SA Instagrammers?
Besides you of course 🙂 , , , , , , , , , , this list could go on forever (I hate being asked this question)
5. Do you have any tips for anyone wanting to master the platform?
Tell stories, learn composition, understand the medium and get lost. But above all, engage with the community as much as you can.
6. Do you have a particular photographic style?
I would say a mix of documentary and temperamental experimentation.
7. Where is your favourite place to take pictures in Johannesburg?
Abandoned buildings and any location where I can capture images that evoke emotion. I’m a candid kind of shooter, so I don’t really have a particular space physically but more mentally as I recognise a combination of elements that cater for taking an image.